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Food to Consume Before and After Surgery

We all know anytime our body undergoes an operation, it's being put under additional stress.  Some strict procedures are performed by surgeons to save a life while others are elective surgeries. A medical procedure that is scheduled by surgeons. Many procedures are done to replace a body part that is worn out,  damaged, or infected.  However,  some doctors state that patients need to undergo preventive surgeries. Visit RS Gaur Global Multispeciality Hospital where Top Surgeon in Jhajjar aim to provide personalized and compassionate care to patients.  If you need a consultation 24*7 facilities are available.

An adequate amount of nutrients is required after the surgery,  as a well-nourished body is better equipped to handle surgery allowing the body to heal and recover quickly.

Follow some steps to mitigate the stress to make your recovery as fast as possible. Let's check what to eat before and after surgery.


As the surgery takes place free radicals are released. Thus, you need to consume foods that are rich in antioxidants.  You can have fruits either raw or juiced and vegetables are often easier to digest when cooked. However, the aim is to consume as many health-giving foods as before and after surgery. 

Some of the good sources of anti-oxidants are eggplant, grapes,  berries,  pumpkin,  sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, green leafy vegetables, lettuces, parsley, tea,  green tea,  citrus fruits,  seafood,  lean meat,  nuts,  oranges,  lemons, lime, mangoes,  broccoli,  spinach,  avocadoes, kiwi fruits, pink grapefruit and a lot more.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is the first and foremost thing that every individual should keep in mind. We all are aware of the fact that our bodies are made up of 80% water,  therefore,  the detoxification process relies on water to sweep away toxins and convert fat-soluble nutrients.  As our body is more on medication,  it is necessary to keep our liver hydrated before and after surgery to clear unwanted substances.

Easily digestible foods

One of the most common foods to be consumed immediately after recovering from surgery is bone broth.  These homemade bone broths contain collagen and gelatin that will provide relief from gastric ulcers.  Get help from the Best Surgeon in Jhajjar,  who specialize in diverse medical fields.  Bone broth contains collagen and gelatin that will improve your digestion by increasing gastric acid secretion as well as preventing the protein from breaking down in muscle. They are also a rich source of amino acids called glutamine which is beneficial for healing the small intestine and leaky GUT. If you need any further assistance visit RS Gaur Hospital where the surgeon in Jhajjar aims to provide an integrated range of services at affordable prices.